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Japan Snowboard Association Admission International Membership

2024 Japan Snowboard Association Admission International Membership Guideline

Japan Snowboard Association was established in October 1982. For the past 42 years, we have been working to develop and popularize sound sport snowboard. We hold activities such as holding events and competitions, training instructors, chekers, safety patrols, snowboard patrols, and slope development. In order to further promote the future of snowboarding, we are recruiting members from time to time. If you are not yet a member, please join us at this opportunity.

《2024 年度 日本スノーボード協会 国際会員要項》

日本スノーボード協会(JAPAN SNOWBOARDING ASSOCIATION)は 1982 年 10 月に発足し、過去 42 年間に亘り『健 全なスポーツとしてのスノーボードの普及』を掲げ、イベントや競技会の開催、インストラクター、検定員、セイフティパ トロール、スノーボードパトロールの養成、ゲレンデ開発を主軸に幅広く活動を行っております。今後のスノーボードの より一層の普及を目指す為、会員募集を随時行っておりますので、まだ会員でない方はこの機会に是非ご入会下さい。

Eligibility to become JSBA international member

This membership registration is for those who do not have an address in Japan. If you have an address in Japan (ex: person who has certificate of residence or residence card), please register from here.

【JSBA 国際会員 会員登録資格】


What you can do when you become JSBA International Member

●You can take riding skill tests.(Badge Test and Tech Test)

■Badge Test Leve 1 ~Level 5 ※Level 1 is the highest.

■Tech Test Level 3 ~ Level1 ※Level 3 is the highest.

・A web membership card is required to take Badge test (Level 1 or Level 2) or Tech Test.
・Even if you are not a JSBA member, you can take the badge test level 3-5.
・JSBA members can take Budge Tests from Level 2.
・Budge Test Level 2 is required to take Budge Test Level 1.
・Budge Test Level 1 is required to take Tech Test Level 1
・Tech Test Level 1 is required to take Tech Test Level 2.
・Tech Test Level 2 is required to take Tech Test Level 3.

●You can receive e-mail from JSBA.

JSBA International Member will not be issued any Id cards.

●Use My Page'
-What you can do on My Page-
・Web Membership Card
・Web Certificate. You can check your certifications.
・You can check and change the registration information of JSBA.
・You can change the login information to My page
・You can check your payment history of the annual fee.
・You can renew membership.
・You can register your face photo.
※JSBA International Member will not be issued any membership cards and Id cards.

【JSBA 国際会員になって出来る事】

●滑走技術試験を受ける事ができます。(バッジテスト/TECH TEST)

■バッジテスト 1 級~5 級 1 級が最上級

■Tech 3 ~ Tech1 TECH3 が最上級

・検定、バッジテスト(1、2 級)を受験する際には、Web 会員証の提示が義務付けられています。
・バッジテスト 3 級~5 級は非会員でも受験可能です。
・JSBA 会員はバッジテスト 2 級から受ける事ができます。
・バッジテスト 1 級受験にはバッジテスト 2 級が必要です。
・Tech1を受けるにはバッジ 1 級が必要です。
・Tech2 を受けるには Tech1 が必要です。
・Tech3 を受けるには Tech2 が必要です。

●JSBA からメールでお知らせが届きます。




●A Japanese address is required to get JSBA official licenses.(except Badge test and Tech test)

●A Japanese address is required to participate in JSBA official competitions.

(JSBA International Members cannot participate in official competitions.)

●A Japanese address is required to participate in JSBA technical championships.

(JSBA International Members cannot participate in JSBA technical championships.)

If you want, please register from here


●JSBA 公認資格を取得するには日本国内に住所が必要となります。(バッジテストとテックテストを除く)

●JSBA 公認大会に参加するには日本国内に住所が必要となります。


(JSBA 国際会員は JSBA テクニカル選手権に参加ができません)



・2024 year’s membership term is from September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025, and even if you join in the middle, the expiration date is August 31, 2025.

・The renewal fee payment period for 2025 year’s membership is from 1 July 2025 to 31 August 2025.

・From September 1, 2025 to August 31, 2026, the 2025 renewal procedure can be completed, but a re-enrollment fee of 1000 yen will be added.

・If the renewal procedure for 2025 year’s membership is not completed by August 31, 2026, the qualification will be deleted.

Note) Your certifications will be deleted after one year from the expiration date.






JSBA membership system for international people

・Name, Gender, Birthday, Nationality and E-mail address are required for registration.

(Please set up to receive emails from @

・Payment is by credit card only. (VISA/MASTER、AMEX/JCB、Dinars)

【外国人向け JSBA 会員登録システム】

名前、性別、生年月日、国籍、メールアドレスは必須です。 のドメインから受信出来るように設定をして下さい。



・If an injustice member registration is discovered, membership qualification and all licenses will be immediately deleted. In addition, the amount once paid will not be refunded for any reason.

・Please register with your real name.

・If your name has changed due to marriage or other reasons, please register with your new name during the membership renewal process.

・The application procedure must be completed by the person themselves except when it is unavoidable. We are not responsible for any mistakes or deadlines made by the representative.

・If you are a member of 2023, be sure to follow the renewal procedure.

・We do not accept any procedures such as fax, registered mail, money order, courier, post office account transfer, etc.

【外国人向け JSBA 会員登録システム】





・2023 年度会員の方で JSBA 公式サイトから登録をされる方は必ず更新手続きから行って下さい。


Membership Fee

item(科目) Description(種別及び説明) amount(金額)
registration fee
Admission fee (New Members) 入会金 ¥1,000
Re Registration Fee 再入会金
If you are a 2023year’s JSBA member and have not been renewed by August 31, 2024
昨年度(2023 年度)会員の方で2024 年 8 月 31 日迄に更新手続きをされなかった方
Annual fee
Born before December 31, 2005
2005 年 12 月 31 日以前に生まれた方
Born after January 1, 2006
2006 年 1 月 1 日以降に生まれた方


Please renew your international membership from My Page.

Inquiry Form

Inquiry Form(問い合わせフォーム)

*International members only (国際会員専用)